• About the project


  • One of the aims of our project is to show students how important the European cooperation is. Actually, it is impossible to find such a European
    project, which does not have European added value. In our project there are many aspects which directly or indirectly contribute to the European awareness, the advantages of being a European citizen.
    In this project we will also present our culture and learn about other cultures - sometimes very different from ours. The partner organizations will explore in which ways their countries differ from other European countries and what they have in common. This exploration will promote interpersonal/transnational communication and respect for cultural diversity,
    developing critical competences useful to get rid of stereotypes and prejudices. Cooperation in this partnership will not only help to discuss the intercultural differences between different countries but also to exchange information, methods, knowledge and experiences that will reinforce our schools´ European dimension.
    The concrete steps and project activities which serve this purpose at most are the followings:
    At the beginning of the project period each school has to make a little research about the partner countries, cities. This gives a base for the further close and efficient cooperation. As we give examples for the isolation in the past, we also give examples how important it was to destroy real or symbolic walls between different nations. We will also give examples how countries outside of EU try to join to it. We also will study the Natural Parks as a necessary and good example of isolation – not in national level. In this case isolation is needed and is useful to preserve the fauna and flora of a protected area. During the discussion students also
    have to face the fact that these initiations are supported by the EU.
    We will also see examples for the international cooperation in some other cases, like social issues etc. During one of the project meetings we will also talk about the future of the Life Long Learning program and the Youth in Action program, and students will definitely see what benefits these programs have.
    At the last project meeting we plan a multicultural performance where besides the common pieces each nation will show a bit of its typical culture. This also will emphasize that EU can only exist if it is proud of its multinational citizens.













